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M a i n P a g e

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Capitalism and Infinity

Some of the greatest problems in capitalism are caused by recurring infinite loops with capital. Other political systems may have infinite loops in other areas.. Capitalism has loops in capital. This causes (humans') time to be wasted infinitely with capital loops.
Ultimately it is everyone's goal in a capitalist society to get a better deal, and at the the same make the most capital. Logic states that this previous statement is impossible. What you end up with is cheap labor and cheap deals (i.e. walmart, dollar stores) where people don't make good salaries. The whole capitalist system is proven flawed from this simple logical conclusion.
People in a capitalist society fight an infinite war: for every person that loses capital , one must gain capital. But what if we looked past capital? If a human lost 5 hours of time helping a friend, but enjoyed that 5 hours of time helping, would he have a loss? According to capitalism, yes. Because he didn't gain capital. He didn't charge a consulting fee.
According to the ideas behind capitalism, any solution in capitalism can be solved by any means, as long as there is more capital. But in an ideal capitalistic society, this would actually backfire and take capitalism down. People would go into never ending loops of capital.

Any programmer can tell you that an infinite loop which you cannot get out of, is not a great situation to be in. A capitalist society consists of several infinite loops that are broken off only because of some error, luck, and tweaking. The error that allows capitalism to run and exist is the fact that some times people don't follow the ideas of capitalism. When one business breaks the rules of capitalism, this allows capitalism to continue. This breaks off the capitalism loop, and the program exits the current procedure with an error (but capitalism continues, since it is only a Runtime Error. It doesn't crash the program)

If the business must break some rules of the infinite capital system in order for the business to succeed, he does so by breaking the infinite loop. A typical example would be a software company who offers freeware to draw users into the pay-for software. Freeware is anything but capitalistic, so is breaking the rules of capitalism, in order to succeed some way in the future. In an idealistic capitalist society, there would be no freeware - freeware is the exact opposite purpose of capitalism! If the infinite capital loop was not broken, a clock (software that tells your time) for your computer may end up costing 50 dollars, 700 dollars, 1500 dollars, and so on. Even your fonts that you use on your websites would have to be under license. You would have to rent the fonts that you use, or pay a fee to use them. All fonts, including Times New Roman, Courier New, etc.

In an ideal capitalistic society, Microsoft should charge customers money for the clock, the fonts, the taskbar, the smiley in MSN, the start button, paintbrush, notepad and everything you could imagine. But see, ideal capitalistic societies don't exist.. because someone always breaks the rules. Microsoft breaks the rules and gives away free web browsers and free clocks, and free paintbrush tools. They are breaking the rules of capitalism temporarily, since ideal capitalism doesn't exist.

But if the rules are broken, and clocks are given away free, this temporarily stabilizes capitalism. It's ironic that the only thing that keeps capitalism afloat and working is the fact that so many people are breaking the rules of capitalism over and over again. If they didn't, the infinite loop would continue, and a banana would be worth $1 Million Dollars. A piece of grass may end up being at a similar price. But it wouldn't matter, because a piece of furniture may be worth 100 times that price. But in a few years, the loop will have progressed more. The loop and the tweaking of the loop in a capitalist society will have progressed more than the actual intelligence of the human. The broken infinite loop keeps the society sane. The broken loop is when people get away with a free or cheap banana, free tools in their Microsoft operating system, cheaper groceries on sale day, etc.

The problem with this never-ending "loop" is not that we get free bananas and free tools. Of course free tools and free bananas are nice. The problem is the focus and time spent on tweaking the loop. Capitalist societies spend infinite hours tweaking and trying to find the right loop that will make the business scheme work. While they were spending this time on the infinite loop and creating more and more ponzi schemes, they could have just "done something useful instead".

Is it not ironic, that what helps a capitalistic society is loss of profit? The only thing keeping Microsoft afloat is their free tools in their operating system. The operating system would be nothing without the free tools inside. But why should a company give away free tools? My gosh, surely that is against capitalism! The whole point of capitalism is to gain profit, not to give away tools for free. So here we see Microsoft breaking the rules of capitalism, not profiting on sections of their business. Breaking the rules of capitalism is the only thing that keeps a capitalistic society afloat.

The infinite employee loop

A business fires a large quantity of people and the simple solution is for another business to open up, and utilize those workers that were just fired. Instead of another business opening up and reinventing wheels, why not just discuss possible intelligent solutions together instead?

The infinite competition loop

If one business creates cars that pollute, the answer may be for another business to open up (and compete) who offers cars that do not pollute. Another business opens up and competes with that business. And the cycle continues in an infinite loop. If the loop was cut off and finite (finished), the two companies would work together for long term progress. But this causes another infinite loop to start: the merger between to companies now competes with other smaller companies. And those smaller companies merge together to compete with that other company.

The end result

Although capitalism may offer some progress by so called "healthy competition", the infinite capital loop restricts progress severely. The infinite equality loop seen in socialism and communism are similar to the capital loop.

Communism puts itself into equality loops that end up proving people are not equal (communism is severely flawed), while capitalism puts itself into capitalism loops that end up proving capital wastes our time with more and more ponzi schemes. All the hedge funds, buffoon stock day traders (essentially casinos), are virtually providing nothing useful for society like say actually manufacturing tooth brushes or car parts for us... these ponzi scheme folks are just accounting for capital to make more capital, not actually producing anything useful for us. Why not come up with a better solution?

Okay sure - sometimes capitalism actually works half the time - an honest hard working person with some money invests in a startup via buying stocks, and that helps society... but does capitalism focus too much on capital (hence why it is called capitalism.. the root word being capital - the root word is not intelligent or insight).

From the above information regarding the problems of infinite loops in political systems, one should conclude that there at least should be some purpose in a political system, but not necessarily a major focus on capital or equality. How about a focus on intelligence and efficiency?

Capitalism supposedly makes things more efficient by putting people into something like evolution where different species compete to become better animals and rule the world... the more animals you have competing, the more specialization you have and more competition creating supposedly a better world. Sure that works: 99 percent of species are extinct because of the blind watchmaker... Is evolution something we should base our political system on? A lot of free market libertarians think that basically we should let the invisible mind of the market make decisions for us... after all if 90 percent of people smoke cigarettes then the invisible mind has spoken for us! Cigarettes is what the market wants, therefore it must be right... might is right. Population says so! And if most people want to eat junk food and the market has spoken then junk food must be better for us because it's what the market wants. Detect the sarcasm?

On the other hand in a communist society one demented idiot decides what is good for you, rather than letting you decide. See 1984. If this demented idiot in control of society (i.e. china) decides that speech should be censored, then God has spoken and speech should indeed be censored because big government knows better than you.

Can't we come up with something better?

It is obvious from a business perspective that two strong companies that merge together create one powerful company. But as displayed by the infinite loop theory, eventually this merging will lead to infinite merging. The capitalistic system will merge all companies together and create one large company, ultimately bringing the capitalistic system down. It is ironic that the capitalistic system eventually turns into a communistic society, because one large company merged with all other companies makes one strong company that runs the world (possibly the government, which is similar to what is seen in a communist society - in a communist society the big business operation is the government itself).
Competition based on capital encourages many infinite loops to occur. Two relatively similar businesses such as Canadian Tire and Walmart both fight each other. Does it make sense for two businesses that have the same goal, to be fighting each other? This is an infinite loop.

Rather than infinitely compete for capital, a business should instead exist based on intelligent reasoning. Capital causes businesses with similar goals to fight each other. Either they fight each other, or they merge together and fight another company that is smaller. But this once again is an infinite loop. If one company or group of people work especially well together, they should do so based on that fact, not capital. Capital gets in the way of intelligence. Capital should not get in the way, and equality should not get in the way.

Society and politics is not as simple as LeftWing vs Rightwing. Economy and politics is not as simple as capitalism. Many people will find it hard to see the light, due to being stuck in the Left-Right Scale mode of thinking. The best example of why left wing vs right wing never works out well is Christopher Hitchens, who seemed to be left wing anti-theist in his young years but then later all the left wing people were calling him a neo-con (right wing) in his later stages of life... How could a left wing anti-theist be a right wing neo con? Because he wasn't left wing or right wing, he saw advantages of both the left and right wing and you cannot possibly label Chistopher Hitchens a liberal or a conservative since he was neither.

See also: Problems With Society

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